Lab 7 – Single-Sign-On Across Authentication Domains

In this lab, we will show you how to provide SSO across multiple applications. Normally APM will require authentication each time an application is accessed. By using a Domain Cookie it is possible to re-use an existing APM session to access multiple applications.


Lab Requirements:

  • Previous Labs 5 and 6 successfully completed

Task – Verify Authentication Required for different applications

  1. Open a Private web browser or clear your browser cache and go to the Virtual Server used earlier
  2. You should be able to logon with the following credentials:
    • Username: user
    • Password: Agility1
  3. Once successfully logged in, you will be presented with the same information page you observed earlier from “App #1”.
  4. Now go to you should be prompted to logon again.
  5. You should be able to logon with the following credentials:
    • Username: user
    • Password: Agility1
  6. Once successfully logged in, you will be presented with information about “App #2”.
  7. Logout and close the browser window.

Task - Testing Authentication across domains

  1. Open a Private web browser or clear your browser cache and go to the Virtual Server used earlier
  2. You should be able to logon with - Username: user - Password: Agility1
  3. Once successfully logged in, you will be presented with the same information page you observed earlier.
  1. Now go to You should not be prompted to logon again!

Task 4 (Bonus) - Authentication across domains & virtual servers

Repeat the previous steps, but for Forms_Access_Policy instead of Basic_Access_Policy.

Are you prompted for authentication when going from to

Try changing the value for “Profile Scope” for Basic_Access_Policy and Forms_Access_Policy from Profile to Global

*Troubleshooting tips:

Did you forget to Apply Access Policy ?

Verify the Domain Cookie configured on the SSO page… for both policies?